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January 15, 2019

20193. The Arizona Citizen, Tucson, Arizona Territory, January 23rd, 1875. Reduction of Military Reservations. (article)

The Arizona Citizen Tucson, Arizona Territory January 23rd, 1875 Reduction of Military Reservations. Annexed is a copy of the letter of Secretary War under which, in compliance with the Act of June 22nd, 1874, introduced by our Delegate, all of the Camp Date Creek, and parts of the Fort Whipple and Fort Yuma military reserves, have been restored to the public domain: WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, Dec. 7th, 1874. To the Honorable the Secretary of the Interior, Sir: In compliance with the terms of the Act of June 22nd, 1874, chap. 415, I have the honor to relinquish and turn over to the Department of the Interior for restoration to the public domain: The Camp Date Creek reservation being of no use whatever for military purposes, the entire reservation is hereby relinquished. A map of the reservation is herewith transmitted; also extract copy of letter of Capt. A.H. Nickerson, acting assistant adjutant general department of Arizona, dated October 2nd, 1874, and copy of report of Second Lieut. W.3. Ross, dated September 30th, 1874, of the public buildings and improvements on the reservation. Very respectfully, your obd’t serv’t, W.W. Belknap, Secretary of War.

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