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September 23, 2018

10234. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, June 18th, 1870. More Sad News.

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory June 18th, 1870 More Sad News . Sad is the news we have to relate, this week. More white blood has been shed by the accursed Apaches Within a little while, they have taken the lives of four citizens and one soldier, and the end is not yet! Saturday last, as Alfred Johnson and a man named Watson were returning to Kirkland Valley, from Deep Wash station, they were attacked and cruelly murdered, by a party of savages, at a point on the near Willow Springs . Next day road , ( Sunday) , at the same place , the same party of Indians attacked Miller & Bro's. freight train, but were repulsed, with the loss of one Indian, whom Jake Miller killed with his unerring rifle.

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