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September 14, 2018

10218. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, January 22nd, 1870, Army Supplies (advertisement)

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory January 22nd, 1870 ARMY SUPPLIES D CHIE? QUARTERMASTER'S OPEICE, Sub-District of Upper Arizona. PORT WHIPPLE, A. T., Dec. 24, 1369, Sealed Propogald, In Duplicate, will be rccelycd by the undcrgigned, et tblß omce, until Tuesday, 25 1870, nt twelve o'clock M., for supplylng the United Stntcs Government, At Fort Whipple, A. To, With Pour Hundred (400) Tong of Bbellcd corn or Barley, of two thousand (2,000) pounds V.) the ton. At Camp Date Creek, A, T. With Two Jlundred (DO) Tong of ßbclled Corn or Barley, of two thougRDd (2,000) pound' to tbc ton. At Camp Verde, A. T., With Ono Huudred (100) Tons of Shelled Corn or Barley, of two thousand (2,000) poundå to the ton, At CBmp at Toll G8te, A. To, W!tb Elva Hundred (500) Tong of Shelled Corn or Barley, of two thounnd (2,000) pounda to tbc ton, for Il)e »epp)y PO;Lq Ibe year iDK December 81ct, 1870,

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