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September 14, 2018

10223. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, April 2nd, 1870. Local Intelligence. Errors - These annoying things crop up in almost every newspaper

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory April 2nd, 1870 Local Intelligence . These annoying things crop out ERRORS .- and it is in almost every newspaper , strange that they are scarcely ever seen until " the paper is worked off . " The local columns of last week' s MINER con— tained three errors which we now wish to correct, if it is not too late. In the account of the Indian fight near Camp Date Creek, the types made us say William when it was Rice guided the troops , Willard who did it. Next, in speaking of the arrival of passengers , by Grant ' s stage, G. C. Wiggins was rendered "G. C. Higgins , but the stage agent at Wicken— burg is responsible for this, he having written "Higgins" on the way—bill . The other error occurred by stating that Mr Richmond was building a house on the south side of the plaza, when said house is on the east side of said goat pasture We lay the blame for this last error on the compositor .

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