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August 14, 2018
10022, 10023. Farish, Thomas Edwin. History of Arizona, Vol. IV. pp. 112-115.
Farish, Thomas Edwin.
History Of Arizona
vol. IV. pp. 112-115.
Compiled from original papers in the office of the Adjutant—
General of the State of Arizona.
Synopsis of a report made by 2nd Lieutenant Oscar Hutton ,
Commanding Company l' F '1 1st Arizona Infantry .
"On the third of November, 1865
I was mustered into Company F
as 2nd Lieut. to raise the company to its standard, Capt.
Washburn having recruited 33, who were mustered in on said 3rd
of November. On the 30th of November, the company numbered 85
men, Com. officers and privates. On this same day I was ordered
to disband the 53 recruits that I had raised by order of Col .
Lewis of the 7th Cal. Vols. ,
stationed at Fort Mason, and on the
5th day of December, I was ordered to Prescott. My men not
having shoes and shirts, on the 25th was ordered to report to
Capt. Grant at Date Creek, which I complied with on same day. On
the 6th of January, with 12 men, I was sent as escort for wagons
en route for Prescott. Arrived on the 9th, thermometer down to 9
above zero. On the 16th arrived at Camp Date Creek; on the 21st
one corp. and 5 privates on detached service. 30th one corp. and
6 privates on detached service. 1st of Feby. one corporal and 8
privates on detached service. 17th one corporal and 2 privates
on detached service. 16th one non—com. and 2 men returned from
detached service.
" 19th left Camp Date Creek; proceeded to Skull Valley, and there
took post. Arrived on the 21st. Feb. 24th one non—com. and 2
privates on detached service to Date Creek. One corp. and 5 men
attacked by Indians and 2 men killed, one wounded. After fight
of 3 hours' duration, the Indians were driven off. I consider
that those men acted as bravely as men could under those
circums tances .
" 26th, arrived in camp one non—com. and 7 privates from detached
"I would state here that the weather was very bad, cold winds
prevailing, and snow and sleet most every day.
" 27th, one non—com. officer and 11 men on detached service to
Date Creek.
"March 4, one non—com. and 3 privates from escort duty. 5th, one
and 10 privates returned from escort duty. 7th, non—
non.com .
com. off. and 7 privates on escort duty. 15th, non—com. returned
from escort duty. 19th one corporal and 6 men on escort duty to
Waln ut Grove .
23rd, returned with said escort.
corporal and 9 men on escort duty. 29th, one corporal and 4 men
returned from escort duty. April 1st, one serge.
and one
corporal with ten men, escort duty. 6th, returned. 7th, Lieut.
Synopsis by 2nd Lieutenant Oscar Hutton— Continued.
Hutton on detached service with 5 men. 10th, returned with said
men. 19th, 4 privates returned. 23rd, one corporal and 5 men on
escort duty.
24th, returned with escort. May 1st, one non—
com. and 5 privates on escort duty. 3rd, 3 privates on escort
duty. 5th, one non—com. and 5 men returned from escort duty .
10th, one corp. and 5 men on escort duty to Prescott. 11th, one
corporal on detached service with 5 men as guard for ranch .
13th, one non—com. and 3 privates on escort duty. 13th, one non—
and 5 privates returned .
com .
and 5
one non.com .
privates on escort. 21st, returned. 26th, Lieut. Hutton with 15
men on scout. -Returned on June 1st after an arduous search after
Indians, himself and men packing their blankets and provisions
on their backs. 3rd, one non—com. and 5 privates returned from
detached service as guard for ranch. 6th, one non—com. and 4
privates on escort duty. 8th, returned with said escort. 9th,
one non—com. and 4 privates returned from escort. 10th, one non—
com. and 6 privates on escort duty. 14th, one non—com. and 6
privates on escort duty. One non—com. and 4 privates returned
from escort. 25th, one non—com. and 6 privates from escort duty.
28th , one non.com .
and 12 men on scout. 10th, returned, no
Indians. 12th, 3 non—coms. and 15 men on a scout after Indians
with 18 men from Fort Whipple under charge of Lieut. Hutton.
August 2nd returned. Succeeded in killing and wounding 2, and
capturing 2 children. Travel led over 300 miles north north—
east from Skull Valley. August 13th, Lieut. Hutton, with 14 men
and some 13 citizens, killed 23 Indians. Loss, one man killed
and one wounded. During the remainder of August escorted two
trains to Prescott.
I have a good deal of sickness in camp; have not been
able, with the small force at my command, to scout.
"I have run over my morning reports and noted such as are on
these pages. You must take into consideration that I have had to
always keep guard and do daily duty, the same as the men
in camp.
I send you this;
if you wish you can re—copy into some
" Col..
shape as I have so much to do that I can't give time to this at
present. You are better posted than I am in such matters .
would just here state that I have to lose the time that I was
doing duty previous to mustering in as first sergt. from the 1st
of August till 3rd of November.
"I am, sir, Col.,
"Very respectfully,
"Yr. Obt. Servant,
"Oscar Hutton,
" 2nd Lieut. Co. F,
Comdg. Company . "
Vols. ,
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