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August 23, 2018

10118. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, June 13th, 1868. Local News. Horses Stolen.

The Arizona Miner Prescott r Ari zona Territory June 13th, 1868 LOCAL NEWS. The red—skins paid a HORSES STOLEN - visit to Kirkland Valley last week, and gobbled up four horses belonging to Wm. Gilkison; two, of Moses Langley's and one belonging to another man. They were pur— sued by a detachment of mounted Infantry , from Camp McPherson , and overtaken some— where near Bell ' s Canon- It seems that the rascals after stealing the horses , went south a considerable distance, and then turned back towards the valley. In traveling along on the trail , and when near some big rocks , the troops were fired into by the Indians , when two animals were killed. The Indians then, we believe, ran off and were pursued by the troops , who, once more , came upon them while they were roasting one of the stolen horses. The Indians, on seeing the troops, got up and traveled towards this and were tracked to Miller ' s town , Valley , about one mile from Prescott . The troops started Tuesday morning on a ten day' s scout after the Indians

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