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August 20, 2018

10065, 10066. Original Inspection Report, Camp Skull Valley, Arizona Territory, by James Fowler Rusling

Original Inspection Report Camp Skull Valley, Arizona Territory by: James Fowler Rusling Skull Valley, A.T. April 3d, 1867- Capt. James W. Weir - 14th Infty. Comdg. & A.A. QM 1- 1 Co. of 14th. 40 strong - only 20 for duty - Object to protect the valley, & keep open road to Prescott, Wickenburg & La Paz - Distance to Prescott, 34 miles; to Wickenburg 60; to La Paz 140 miles - Proposed to move Post to junction of La Paz & Wickenburg roads, 30 miles S.E. - on Date Creek, to be called Camp McPherson - Will move as soon as orders from Gen. Gregg, who is expected every day - 2- The Reservation here: Part is on lands of Mr. Jos. Ehle - At Date Creek, on public domain - Will make it a mile square - water & wood there and good grazing - some bottom & some fair - 3- Hay now on hand cost $39 1/2 - per ton, coin; and $48 1/2 - 2 months supply - Grain, barley, from Yuma, $8.50, per bushel, coin, exclusive of transportation - which transportation was 8 cents per pound here, but Capt. Tuttle settled this - At Camp McPherson will come from Yuma - by La Paz - Ranches can not supply - Corn may be had - 4- Fuel cut by troops - 5-2 six mule teams; 26 mules altogether, some Page: 2 Five pack-mules - 6- commissary supplies come from Yuma by La Paz - 7- No General Orders; instructions to wait for them - 8-3 graves here now: no head-boards. In- structions given - no report made - 9- post established Oct. 13, 1866 - No Map - Instructions given for map of New Reserva- tion Post &e - 10- Accounts; none sent since Oct. - Ready up to March - No Blanks - could get none from Capt. Baker - Applied to Capt. Tuttle - 11- One frame building - 60 ft x 20 ft x 10 ft - Another 90 by 20 for barracks : will be taken down & sent to McPherson - Put up by enlisted men & one citizen mechanic - none em- ployed now - Lumber came from Prescott - cost 6 cents at Prescott per foot - and 4 cents delivered here: hauled Pine lumber - no storehouse - no hospital - no stable - tents used now - At new post - stone should be used - Not enough fuel to last - and adobe will cost more - 12- Funds on hand $69.61 - Jan. 13th, 1866 - recd from Bvt. Lt. Col. Sprague - Act. Pay - $2500 - no retums made - Disbursal for lumber for Page: 3 transportation of troops from Date Creek here &e - Bad - Don't know who ordered Col. S. to make transfer of funds - 13- Present indebtedness of Post $1482.83. coin - 6.75 29.00 440.00 $1958.58 14- No Reports made of Extra Duty - and none paid -

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