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August 23, 2018
10124. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, September 26th, 1868. Army Supplies.
The Arizona Miner
Prescott, Arizona Territory
September 26th, 1868
Oßce of tfiö Assistant Comis-
sary Subsistence.
Septe1Qber 1, IBOS.
will be-receiveql by the at
this office, uhtil
Thursday, October 1868,
at twelve o'clock, M., for supplying the United.
States Government,
At • CAMP MCPHERSON, Arizona Territory,
with (40) Forty tons of Hay or Corn fodder.
Bids will be !eceived fer port. of the aböve
The Hay or Corn fodder must be well cured arid
entirely free-from and dirt. The; former to
be of the best qualit_y of native grass. It will be
subject to inspection weight, and must be de-
.livcred such pare Of Camp
Phe?g-on, Arizona, as•the A. C. S. nt that post
direct; The siacks must be carefully-T)UT nid
properly raked otr, so as to protect them from the
weather, and-so arranged as td prevent the liny or
Corn fodder from co
ground, and affording free circulatiori of nir-«üN
. The parties to •whom contracts may be awarded
will be required, . within (48) hours
after the acceptance of -the bids, tö give bohds
equal to fifty (50) ber cent. the amount of
contract, for the faithful •pergermanc€ •of the
accompanied •with
LCb proposal must
statement. signed by _ e persons offered by the'
bidder as-his securiti stating their willingnees
e tho Contract shÖuld be
to enter into bonds i
In •case of firms m'aking
tvarded' to said bid
bids, eacs individual puma-must be-written out.
Priceé b? writtqn as well as expreesed in
figures. The oath of •allegiance . to the •United
States Geyernment muyt accompany each pro-
The delivery qCtba hay or corn fodder. to com-
mence immediately- after the approval of the
contract b} the -Dirision Commanders, and to
terminate by the 30th'day of November, 1868.
No contract shall be considered in forté ungil it
ghall ha-ve rebeived the apprm•gl' the Diivi5ior
Terms shÖuldabe stated In U. S. gold colp,
e market valD6 thereqf in cur!€ncy,• at' (Lite of
pa ment.
c ma e n such fG-ods as may. be
if on \band.• not on h d, centßed zeeount8
will be klven.
The Gbgernment-r ryes . the right to rejéct
apy qnd all ide..'
this •advertisement (B glip cut fron
A copy
this paper) m t aecompynj dach. proposal.
enclosod in an envelope and
Proposald - to
endorsed .'&Pro 18 fot Hay at
'Camp, McPherson,' . rizors.," and directed to the
Bids will dered •unleés the pcrsone
tn orfrom-
have. heretofore , fa : to fulfill-
the Govétnmbnt;
Rug. O. S. Infantry, A'. C. S'
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