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January 1, 2019

20094. The Arizona Sentinal, Arizona City, Yuma County, A.T., Saturday, May 25th, 1872. Gen. Howard At Prescott. (article)

The Arizona Sentinel Arizona City, Yuma County, A.T. Saturday, May 25th, 1872 GEN. HOWARD AT PRESCOTT. During Gen. Howard’s visit to Fort Whipple, he was invited to address the citizens of Prescott, and he did so. Rev. F.P. Smith also spoke on this occasion: Gen. Crook gave his views on the Indian question, at the unanimous solicitations of all present; so also did Judge Carter, of Prescott. In response to the argument brought to bear by the latter gentleman, Gen. Howard, evidently a little excited by the warm, earnest tone of his remarks, made the following honest confession, which we cull from the Miner: “Judge Carter, there are several hundred Indians now on the reservation at Camp Date Creek, living on Government rations, How would you proceed with their education?” “Shoot the first one of them who leaves the reservation.” “RIGHT,” said Gen. Howard. “That is just what we propose to do. We propose to invite the Indians to come on reservations, then to consider all as enemies who do not come, and to make war upon them until they are glad to come. Then to allow no Indian to leave a reservation without a pass from the officer or agent in charge, under penalty of being considered a hostile foe.”

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