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January 1, 2019

20093. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, May 11th, 1872. Military Officers---Good and Bad. (article)

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory May 11th, 1872 Military Of ficers———Good and Bad. There is but one officer in this sect ion of the Territory, in command of a post, who has not the good will and confidence of our citizens, and he is stationed at Camp Date Creek, where rumor says, he “plays fast and loose” with “pet” Indians, and, every once in a while, sends East, to V. Colyer and other public plunderers, slanderous communications regarding the conduct of Whites and Indians. And this officer is Captain R.F-. O’Beirne, 21st Infantry, who, if all that we have heard regarding his bearing to White American Citizens, who are, in every respect, his peers, is too much tainted with foreign snobbery to admit of his occupying a position as servant of the people of America, with due difference to his employers or credit to himself.

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