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January 9, 2019

20158. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, February 1st, 1873. Letter from Camp Date Creek. (letter)

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory February 1st, 1873 Letter from Camp Date Creek. To the Editor of the Arizona Miner: Since I last wrote you, there has been numerous changes at Camp Date Creek. In the first place we have had a change in comm anding officers- Captain Henton, a fine officer and estimable gentleman, being sent on recruiting service, and Lieut. J.F. Trout being left in command, and as he is, at present, the only officer at the post, indeed he has his hands full- being comm anding officer, Q.M. and A.C.S. The next change has taken place in the medical department; Dr. La Baree being relieved, and in his stead we have Dr. Corbusier. The Indian department is in flourishing condition- nearly four hundred pets on the reserve and more expected. Mr. Brannan and staff are erecting a large building to be occupied by the Indian department, which, I suppose, will be finished in the course of a few days. Everyt hing, in fact, around the post looks lively; and it would surprise most any stranger, coming here, to see the teams, loaded with hay and wood, arriving here every day. “Ochoc ama” is expected with his braves. He has been outside the limits of the reserve for some time past, and has been seen within three miles of the post several times, and, I suppose, the next thing you here will be that he is playing “good Indian” again. Some of our scouts that went with Capt. Price have returned, and seem heap tired of playing soldier. OBSERVER.

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