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January 6, 2019

20127, 20128. Post. Return of Camp Date Creek, A.T., Month of September, 1872, Captain James Henton, Commanding. (record)

Post Return of Camp Date Creek, A.T. Month of September, 1872 Captain James Henton, Commanding 23rd Infantry Company B---33 Total Strong 5th Cavalry Company E---56 Total Strong Sept. 2nd.- Apache Mojaves under Ocho-Cama and Hock-A-CheW aka, left the reservation on pass. Department Commander informed of the fact. Sept. 6th.- Capt. Byrne, 12th Infty. arrived from Camp Beale Springs, A.T., bringing “Irataba” and other Mojave and Hualpai Indians. Sept. 7th.- Dispatch rec’d 3 o’cl. AM announcing the stealing of stock from Cullings Station. Sent scouting party in pursuit. Received news of the defection of the bands of Ocho-Cama and Hock-A-Che-Waka, arrested and confined Te-Yee-Made-Yee (brother of Ocho-Cama) and “Indian Jem” as hostages, to secure the return of these bands. Department Commander arrived AM. Sept. 8th.— Grand conference of the Department Commander and Superintendent of Indian Affairs in Arizona, with the chiefs of the Apache Yumas and Apache Mojaves. Arrest of Indian criminals, Ocho-Cama, What—E-Ora-Ma, Chemhueva-Sal and AhP out-Yah, by order of the Department Commander after the conference. Resistance by the criminals and attack of the Indians upon the Guards, in which one of the latter was severely- if not fatally- stabbed by an Indian. Escape of Chemhueva-Sal, from the Guard and Killing of What-E-OraM a, whilst escaping. Attempted escape from the Guard House at the same time by the Indian Prisoners confined on the 7th inst.- Department Commander, Capt. Byrne and the Indians brought by the latter, departed at 8 PM.- All the Indians left the reservation. Sept. 9th.- 4 o’cl. AM Desperate and successful attempt at escape by Ocho-Cama and “Indian Jem,” though both severely- if not mortally- wounded by the Guards. Killing of Te-YeeM ade-Yee, whilst attempting to escape at the same time. Burial of Killed and bringing in of wounded Indians found in the vicinity of the post. (Department Comdr. informed unofficially.) Sept. 11th.— Chemhueva—Jem, captured near post, and restoredu nharmed- to his tribe with messages to “Jem-As-Pie,” Chief of the Apache Yumas. Couriers sent with dispatches to Department Commander. Sept. 12th.- “Jem-As-Pie” with a portion of his tribe came into Post. Rations issued them. Department Commander informed. Post Return of Camp Date Creek, A.T. Month of September, 1872 Continued- Sept. 13th.- Capt Henton and Officers 23rd Infty.- arrived AM- Department Commander arrived M. Sept. 14th.- Column of 23rd Infty. arrived. Conference of Department Commander with Indians AM. Sept. 15th.- Command of Post assumed by Capt. 3ames Henton, 23rd Infty. Sept. 16th.- A G and K Companies 23rd Infty. left for their resp. stations. Interviews between the Department Commander and “Jem-As—Pies” Indians. “Jem—As—Pie” promises to come upon the reservation next day. Department Commander left for Prescott in the afternoon. Sept. 17th.— “Jem—As—Pie” failed to come upon the reservation with his Indians according to promise. The fact reported to Dept. Comdr. and instructions asked. Sept. 30th.- No Indians on reservation yet. Station: Camp Date Creek, A.T. Date: September 30th, 1872

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