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January 1, 2019

20091. Sacramento Daily Union, Sacramento, California, Monday Morning, April 15th, 1872. Arizona News. - A dispatch dated at Los Angeles (article)

Sacramento Daily Union Sacramento, California Monday Morning, April 15th, 1872 ARIZONA NEWS.- A dispatch dated at Los Angeles April 13th has the subjoined: The stage from Prescott was attacked by Indians last Monday on the summit, sixteen miles from Prescott, and between that place and Camp Date Creek. A blindi ng snow—storm was raging at the time, and to this fact the passengers, Messrs. Dorsey, Campbell, and a German, attrib ute their escape. The guns of the attacking party failed to go off, it is supposed on account of dampness. Only one shot was fired, and that was from the pistol of one of the passengers, which knocked down and it is supposed killed one of the Indians.

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