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August 16, 2018

10036. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, April 25th, 1866. Transportation of Supplies.

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory April 25th, 1866 S&Lied i' cei ibe an fat TRANSPORTATION or SUPPLIES Frou Depa Fort Csüf«aia, co 'be fuUowiug Post', said supplleu CO delivered 8t their deaciaatlon oa isc of Decem• ber, Fort Whipple, neaY 486 tons. Camp Lincolp, on tbe Rio Verde, 351 totu. Cutup Muon, Date Creek, 106 tong. Port McDowell, '21 tong. Fort Grant, mouth of Rio San Pedro, tona. Tucsou Dept, 448 tons. More ur leu. BidN WII! also be. received for the transportation of from Tuuon Depot to the fblloving Poet', viz : Furt Goodwirr, 316 tons. more or leg. Purt Bowie, 200 tons, mure or Stores for toe fut.crior will be deliveæd to tbe contractor at auy point the Colorado river above Fort Yumu tL2t :nuy be desired, but iu de- cidtng upon the lowe.t tbc cost of frungport-

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