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August 16, 2018

10035. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, April 25th, 1866. U.S. Army Supplies For Arizona.

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory April 25th, 1866 For Arizona, Sealed proposals in dü#e Will be rccc:ve.d at the otEce of the Prescott, A. T.. until 12 0'clock For upp]ylug the folio• fwage for Ebe United Gate; Army in Pregeott, A. T- 591 tong of Berlev. Wheat or Corn, É41 tons of Have Camp Lincolo, 201 tøu of Baaey•, W"eat or Corn, and 203 tors of Hay. Camp Mason, 51 tons of Barle_vs W bet or Corn, and 79 tons of Hay. Wickenbur% 51 tons of Barley, Wheat or Corn, and 79 tong ef Hay. Tueon Depot, 151 tot* of Barley, Wheat or Com, and 230 tong of Hay. Fort Mason, 540 tons of Barley, Wheat or Corn, and 662 tong of Hay. Fort Bowie, 310 toxu of Barley, Wheat or Corn, and 304 tong of Hay. Fort Goodwin, 90 tong of Barley, Wheat or Com, zod 141 totL of Hay. Fort (hunt, 71 tons of Bariey, Com, and 108 totE of Hay. Fort McDowell, 560 tons of Barley, W hest or Corni end €93 tons of Hay. Fort Mojuve, 61 tons of $arlei, Wheat or Corn, a.Dd 95 toas Of Hay. Mocc or leu ; go be of the quolity, well etred, aud fræ from rot, dirt, Emu' or u•æviL Tine rue Co be ciu wheu it is fully ripe, and t*fore Lea it' aaed.. Tue nn to æcked, pa" of •rhieu will hold 54 pounds, and

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