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August 21, 2018

10109. (letter) Hd'qrs. Camp McPherson, A.T., Jan. 19th, 1868, 1st. Lieut. J.H. Manken, A.A.A.G. Hd'qrs. Sub Dist. of Prescott, Camp Whipple, A.T.

Hd 'qrs. Camp McPherson, A. T. Jan. 19th, 1868 1st Lieut. J. H. Mahnken A. A. A.G. Hd'qrs. Sub Dist. Camp Whipple. A. T. Sir: of Prescott I have the honor to respectfully report that a train of Govt. Freight en—route for Camp Whipple has arrived at this Post and owing to the impassability of the road the conductor has un— loaded here and returned to La Paz for another load. The Freight consists principally of Ordnance and Medical Stores of which former there are two hundred (200) breech loading Springfield Muskets with accouterments and ammunition, and I would respect— fully request that I be furnished authority to detain such of these arms as may be destined for the Command at this Camp. It would save the expense of transporting that amount of Stores to Camp Whipple and back. I would furthermore respectfully request of the Bvt. Brig. Gen. Comdg. the District that as existing orders require that one Company be completely equipped with arms of the same pattern, I be authorized to issue these arms to my "I" 14th Infty., own Co. U.S.A. Very respectfully Your obd 't. servt. , Geo. W. Davis, Capt. 14th Infantry, Comdg. Post. " Official " Samuel Purdy Jr. , 2nd Lieut. 14th Infantry, Post Adjutant.

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