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August 23, 2018

10123. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, August 29th, 1868. Army Supplies.

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory August 29th, 1868 ARMY SUPPLIES, CHIE? QUARTERMASTERS OFFICE, SVB-DISTRICE or PORT WIIIPPLE, Arimna July 25th, 1868. LED PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, will bc received by tbe undersigned, ut tbls office, until Tuesday, September at twelve o'clock, M. , for supplying the United ßtn:ea Government, At FOBT WU'F?LE, Arizona Territory, with F i'.c Hundred (500) Tons of Shelled Corn or Barley, of two thousand (.2.(00) pounds to the ton, and Two Hundred (200) Tong of Corn Fodder, of two thousand (2,000) pounds to the ton. At CAMP McPrrr.Rß0Y, Arizona Terriforv with One ffundred (100) Tons of Corn or Barley, of two thousand ('2 (1K)) pounds to the ton. At CAMP Lr5C0LN, Arizona Territory, with Ono Hundred (100) Tong of Shelled Corn or Barley, of two tbougand (2,000) pound' to the ton. Bid* will bc received for any purt Of tuc above amount, The Corn or Barley delivered Inugt be of good quulity, well neked, nod subject to InepecIi01i. The partieø 2b whom contract" mny bc awarded be forty-eight (4B) hourg aner the acce Unce of tbe bids, to give bonds equal to fifty (.0) per cent. of tbc urnount of the same. propcxal bc accompanfcd with a statement mgned by the per.,ons offered by the bidder an hid securitjeg, 'biting tbeir willingneeg to enti r Into In case tlje coutrnct ihotlld be uwurGctl to bald bidder. In case of firm* bldg. indivJdun! nntne mtl*t bc writteu out. i'rlcex nntht be written well expreesed In Thc oath of uilcginnce to LLC United St:Ueø Goverumcut Ji!tibt Lccompany each pro- The delivery of grain to commence i:mnedE- ntc!y aner the approval of the controctJ by tbe I)lhtrlet, Depurt:nent and I)ivixlon Conunanderß. No contrw:t be conj}dercd force •hull have, received the npprovnl Of tbc Dietriel, Department und Division Com:ncnderz. Tertnø *hould bc btnted In U. N. gold coin, or the mark.' •v•ulue thereof in currcncy, ut dutc or payment, Pux:nent will be made In fund* an tnqy be lurLILDucu i lac if on bund. It nut on Land, cciiilled Lccount* will be given.e The Government reeervcg the rlgbt LO reJeeL any nod till l:idg. A copy of' thin Edvertise:nent (n cut fr0i11 thi* paper) munt nceumpnny encl) l.ropo»nl. Proponzl• Lo be enc10he.d in envelope nnd endorsed ror Burley, Corn, und Corn Fodder, ut Fort W hippie, Comp J,ineoln und Cetnp McPhenont A. und direeced to the undernlgnt•d. Bi:lh will noz be con51dered UllIChN . mnking then: preselJL; nor those wi10 hnycs heretofore fullC(I to fuliill their Wilb the Govern:nent. E. D. BAKER. Cuptaln gnd A. q. M. U. N. Chief Q. M. or Bub.Df"tcict of'

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