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August 18, 2018

10042. The Arizona Miner. Prescott, Arizona Territory, June 27th, 1866. Direct Road to Skull Valley

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory June 27th, 1866 DIRECT ROAD To SKULL VALLEY One of the improvements most needed in this county is the opening of a direct wagon road from Prescott to Skull Valley The present road around Mint Valley and to Granite Mountain is a good one but it is from fifteen to twenty miles longer than a direct road would be. The trails to Skull Valley are not over fifteen to sixteen miles, and Messrs. Short, Miller and Ehle, appoint— ed a committee by the Board of Super— visors , have looked out a way between them which is said to be as short and over which a good wagon road may be made at a small outlay of money, say the work of ten men for thirty days. Their report has been submitted to the Supervisors and will we trust be promptly acted upon at the next meeting of that body. The settlers in Skull Valley , and many persons in Prescott are willing to give their time or to subscribe for the immediate opening of this road, so that the expense to the county will be light, although if it were heavy we believe the people would cheerfully pay the tax, for such a road is greatly desired, and must be a great benefit to the county. It will reduce the time of travel by trains from Wickenburg and La Paz at least a dayr if not two.

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