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August 13, 2018

10016. Daily Alta California, San Francisco, California, Wednesday Morning, June 21st, 1865. Indian Troubles In Arizona.

Daily Alta California San Francisco, California Wednesday Morning, June 21st, 1865 INDIAN TROUBLES IN ARIZONA. ( From the Resident Correspondent of the ALTA CALIFORNIA. ) LA PAZ, June 7th, 1865 EDITORS ALTA.— Our Indian troubles have been augmenting a mite since my last, and I think a few items of events of that character will not come amiss to you, for the parties connected you are intimately acquainted with. Mr. Gray has had another hairbreadth escape from those murderous Apaches . He returned, as I wrote you, from an ineffectual attempt to get to Prescott, at the time of Cunningham' s murder by these red devils. But nothing daunted, he started again on the 23d ult. for the above place, in company with Grant, our mail contractor. Grant returned in a few days, leaving Mr. Gray with Lieutenant Blake and a small body of, infantry, who were going to Date Creek. They travel led to Date Creek without spying an Indian; here Lieutenant Blake pitched camp. Mr- Gray and Mr. Duff, the mail carrier, started from this place ( Date Creek) , with an escort of four mounted soldiers, for Prescott. They had got within twenty miles of the latter place, when they were attacked by about one hundred Indians , well armed, as usual with all the implements of modern warfare, of which they have been getting an abundant supply lately. One of the soldiers received his death wound and was left to die, and another was severely wounded. Mr. Gray and the balance of the party escaped unhurt, and arrived at Prescott the same night. This is the second narrow escape Mr. Gray has had within a month. Our long expected troops are arriving, but move like snails. Before they arrive at Prescott the Apaches will have cleaned the place out- They now find their moccasin tracks all around, and even in the Plaza of the town. W. E.

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