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December 30, 2018

20079. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, February 24th, 1872. The Indians. And, to crown all, they, on last Wednesday, attacked... (article)

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory February 24th, 1872 The Indians. And, to crown all, they, on last Wednesday, attacked a station kept by S.T. Cullumber, a few miles below the military post of Camp Date Creek, killing Mr. Cullumber and a Mr. Harris, and running off several head of stock, which belonged to Mr. Cullumber and Mr. James Grant, proprietor of the mail line. Of this horrid deed, we have, through the kindness of Lieutenant Ebstein, 21st U.s. Infantry, who is now here, been placed in possession of the following account, received by him, Friday morning last, in a letter from his wife, at Camp Date Creek. That lady says: “Have had a day of great excitement here. Cullumber and Harris were killed last night. Jemaspie (a friendly Apache-Mohave Chief), came in this morning and said the Tontos were near by. Indians sent up a war whoop and forty or fifty went out. Captain Dwyer, at the time, was down at the ranch. This afternoon, an Indian came back; said they had found ten Tontos, and wanted the soldiers to go out. Ten or twelve men, with Gilson, went. Have just returned, having killed two Tontos. Apache-Mohaves and Tontos were suspected, so we are very glad the real murderers were found.” The driver of the stage, which, owing to this murderous affair, did not arrive here until late yesterday morning, informs us that he examined the station where the men were killed, and found the house plundered; and the walls, floors, etc., smeared with blood. He also says that the Indians had dared the troops at Camp Date Creek to go out and fight them; that there must have been hundreds of hostile Indians in the mountains around Date Creek; that, in all probability, they are there yet, and that he will not return without a large escort.

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