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December 29, 2018

20062, 20063. Outline Descriptions of the Posts and Stations of Troops in the Geographical Divisions and Departments of the United States (record)

OUTLINE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE POSTS AND STATIONS OF TROOPS IN THE GE 0 GRAPHICAL DIVISIONS A ND DEP4 1? TJIENTS OF THE UWITED STATES. _______ ______— COMPILED BY iNSPECTOR GENERAL R. B. MECV. DY OflDEfl OF THE GEY E1AL !N CHIEF OF TIlE ARMY. WAShINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFTC1. 172. DEPARTMENT OF ARIZONA. 259 CAMP DATE CREEK, Arizona Territory. Established, 1866, as Camp McPherson. Name changed to Camp Date Crec1 by General Orders No. 29, Headquarters Military Division of the Pacific, ovember 23, 186S. L.ocqtion Latitude, 34° 45’ r.ortli; longitude, 112° 18’ west. Post office address, Vickenbnrg. A. T. Nearest town, Wickenburg, A. T., twenty-aix miles distant. Quarters For two companies, size 70 by 22 feet, built of abode. For officers, four acts of quarters. three of adobe and one of stone; three sets having kitchens and dining-rooms of adobe attached. Officers’ quarters, 25 ly 18 feet; kitchens and dining-rooms, 32 by 16 feet. There are three sets of laundresses’ quarters, all of adobe. two of them 20 by 20 feet, and one 18 by 12 feet. Cavalry and quartermaster’s corrals are built of logs. Sheds cojered with corastalks and manure are erected to cover horses and mules. Separate apartments for beef cattle an(l sheep. Store-lao uses One building, 100 by 22 feet, built of stone, used both as quartermaster’s and commissary store-house. The building is divided into four apartments, used respectively as office, subsistence store-room, owain.rooni üud clothing-room, each of them provided with a stone floor and well ventilated. Hospital hospital built of adobe, 8 by 14 feet; ward-room in the center, twenty-two feet deep; south wing, eon- tinning three rooms, used respectively as dispensary, store-room, and surgeon’s qaarters; nnd north wing, containing two rooms, UCe(l as (lining-room an kitchen. Capacity of ward, sixteen bode. Guard-houSe, .fc... A tent used at present for that purpose. Two buildings, of adobe, each 20 by 20 feet, form the company store-rooms and offices. Each company has an adobe kitchen, 20 by 20 feet. Temporary mess-rooms of poles covered with canvas are attached. One building, 32 by 14 feet, used as blacksmith’s and carp etiter’s shop, built of logs and covered with canvas. Supply dcpot The nearest supply depot is at Fort Yuma. Cal., from which all commissary and quartermaster’s stores for the Post are drawn. The route of supply is by water to Ehrenberg, A. ‘1’., and thence by wagon to this Post, one hundred and seventeen miles. Supplies can be transported at all seasons of the year, provided there is eiifiicient water in the Colorado River to allow steamers to come up to Ehrenberg. Wutsr and wood. . -. The Post is supplied with water from a well fifty-six feet deep. Water for animals being taken from Date Creek, where a good supply eau always be had for that purpose. Wood can be found in limited qinul. tities some five miles from the Post, and is furnished to the Post by the labor of the troops. The quality is poor, being only cottonwood and willow. Iudins Nearest Indians are the Apache Mojavvs. communication Between Post and nearest town is by wagon. Reserration The reservation is six miles in length (east and west), and two and one-half miles in width (north and south), and covers an area of fire thIoiiSafl(l six hundred and twenty-three and ninety-hundredths acres. Declared March 30. 1870. Deseripton of tLe Surrounding country hilly and mountainous. Soil sandy, except in the creek bottom, where (lie soil baa country. been cultivated as a post gardeii with success. Grass plenty. Climate mild; very little, if any, snow during the winter, but very warm in summer, the thermometer ranging as high as 1120 Fahrenheit in the shade. Average temperature, 69.040 thermometer. Health of locality excellent. Garrison (‘em iaascling O.ffieer.

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