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September 23, 2018

10236. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, July 9th, 1870. From Camp Date Creek. Mines, Rain, etc.

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory July 9th, 1870 From Camp Date Creek. Mines, Rain, Etc. The ore now being taken out of the recently discovered mines in Martinez district, near the military post of Camp Date Creek, is surpassingly rich; new veins are being discovered, and people are arriving there from every direction. There is no humbug about these mines . They are there, and no mistake. That they are unmistakably aye, surprisingly rich in gold and silver, is now an admitted fact. If any doubt our assertions, they have but to look at the ores to be convinced. General Cogswell, Colonel R.F. O ' Beirne, Lieutenant Cluley , U.S.A. , Governor Safford and Mr . Wasson, correspondent of the San Francisco Bulletin, have visited them, and attest to the truthfulness of our remarks. Mr. Wasson brought up a large piece of bluish white quartz, in which our eyes beheld a piece of gold as large as a thimble, besides several smaller pieces . We , ourself , have a considerable quantity of Mayflower ore, which will go at least $2,000.00 to the ton! There is plenty of wood and water close to the mines, and machinery will soon be erected, when a new and prosperous era will be opened for that part of our country. As yet, the Indians have not attempted to molest the miners, but, should they hereafter do so, they will surely get the worst of it, as Colonel O' Beirne, who commands Camp Date Creek, is determined to protect citizens, and he will very soon be in condition to do so, General Stoneman having recently promised to furnish him a small force of cavalry for that purpose. A private letter, which reached here Tuesday last, states that fully an inch of water fell at the post, on Monday last, and that crops were very fine. As yet, no effort has been made to get up an excitement regarding these Date Creek mines , nor will there be. The people of this section of the Territory are averse to that questionable mode of attracting the attention of laborers and capitalists, but so sure as there are sand—bars in the Colorado river, a rush of people will soon come, and, from our knowledge of things, they will not be disappointed, nor rush in vain. Therefore, we say, let them those who cannot be suited there, will have no trouble in come ; — finding something to fill the bill at some other point.

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