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September 2, 2018

10188. The Arizona Miner, Prescott, Arizona Territory, August 28th, 1869, After Indians...

The Arizona Miner Prescott, Arizona Territory August 28th, 1869 AFTER INDIANS Our new commander has already proved himself to be an active one, for, on Saturday night last , he despatched Lieutenant Curtis, and 20 men of Co- L, 8th cavalry to Walnut Grove , to hunt up Indians in that vicinity. Scouts were also sent out from the Toll— gate and from Camp Date Creek. That from the Toll—gate consisted of 25 mounted men , under command of Lieutenant Carrick. The command passed through town on Monday or Tuesday on their way around the Prieta mountain, to meet Lieutenant Curtis The force from Camp Date Creek is commanded by Captain Somerby - A letter from Allen Cull umber , of Walnut Grove, dated August 24, says Lieutenant Curtis and command , with about one— half the citizens of that place, had On the 23d, the Indians started out... made two attempts to steal cattle from Mr. Cull umber. We earnestly hope the red scoundrels will be found and badly puni shed .

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